Knifing Slides
The High Clearance Knifing Slide is a must have piece of equipment for the conventional row crop farmer.
Contact us for pricing & availability in your area
“Slides” as they are called, can carry an array of attachments and knives to tidy up the most unruly of weed laden fields. Slides are available in all row spacing and configurations from nine to sixteen row patterns. When mother nature has turned against you and your chemical defense of weeds, knifing slides are here to save the farm. Constructed of heavy wall 4 x 7 rectangular tubing and a 7″ diamond topmast, slides can handle loads of abuse and keep on ticking. Bed and crop knives are available year round in lengths of 24″ to 60″ to reach out and cut the weeds down where they stand and make your fields the talk of the town as the cleanest around. Slide runners can carry a sweep or buster of any size and an array of weed killing knives.